About Keratin Infusion Hair Treatment

Lore has it that a hairdresser, ending a mourning period for her mom at a funeral home, inquired as to why her mom’s hair, an afro, appeared straighter and smooth. The director explained that likely it’s the formaldehyde used in the process.

It didn’t take long before formaldehyde found its way into many of cottage industry type products, eventually becoming quite effective and popular. The first to enter the U.S market was Marcia Textiera’s Brazilian Keratin. Its popularity inspired many other manufacturers to get into the game.

But the problem was the formaldehyde. Not only a potential carcinogen, it also caused nausea and teary eyes. Guidelines in the U.S of <.02% formaldehyde content were being abused. The thinking was that using more formaldehyde would make their product more effective. Not true.

The OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) issued a hazard alert in response to complaints from stylists and salon owners concerned about their health. Testing of these products by the OSHA resulted in a near complete halt in manufacturing.

Keratin Complex Natural Smoothing Therapy, an aldehyde based product, was never a violator of the U.S guidelines and became OSHA compliant in 2011. We work with a distributor in Canada and are proud to be able to provide exceptional treatment and results using this product.

Call us at 416-489-3400 for a FREE consultation.


Q:  How much does it cost and how often would I need to do it.
A: It depends on the length and thickness of your hair.  For a full head of medium length hair, it costs approximately $400. How often, depends on how curly your hair is at the roots. Typical North American hair is two to four inches in length before it waves or curls. Since it takes about six months for three inches of hair to grow, six months is the average time between treatments. If you have curl in that first inch from the scalp you may need to do it more often.

Q:  How long does it take?
A:  About two and a half hours, on average (depending on hair length and thickness).

Q:  Can it be done on coloured hair? Does it affect the colour?
A:  It works even better on coloured hair and does not affect the colour except to make it shinier. However, the presence of bleached highlights requires an adjustment to the heat applied. The product is good for the hair, but too much heat is not.

Q:  Do I need to use a special shampoo?
A: Based on washing three times per week, your keratin treatment will last 25% longer by using a sulphate free shampoo.

Q: After a treatment, how long do I have to wait before washing my hair?
A: The manufacturers suggest a 3-4 day waiting period. We haven’t found any difference by waiting.  Many of our clients want it washed and styled immediately following the treatment. However, the less you wash it, the longer it lasts. We like to recommend no washing for two sleeps.

Q: Can I wear a hat, use clips or tuck my hair behind my ears after a treatment?
A: You can certainly tuck it behind your ears right away. For the rest, we recommend waiting until after the first wash.